A Typical Friday Night

Our regularly scheduled Friday Night sessions most often follow the format outlined below:

7:30pm - 7:45pm: Warm up to Easy Dances

Start off the evening with a few easy dances to get your body moving! Our programmer plays dances that are accessible to most dancers, even beginners, while people arrive, settle in, put shoes on, greet their fellow dancers, and start dancing.

7:45pm - 8:30pm: Teaching

We usually teach two dances per evening, an easier dance first, followed by a more challenging one. We will often teach these dances for two weeks in a row to help you learn and remember them. These dances are also quickly reviewed at around 9:30pm on the nights that they are taught.

We teach both line and couple dances, but if you don't have a partner, don't worry. Most people just dance with whomever is available.

If there is a particular dance that you are interested in learning, just talk to the current teaching chair in person, or send us a message via the contact us section, and we will try to accommodate!

8:30 pm: Announcements

Once teaching concludes, we take a few moments to make announcements about our upcoming events, the life of the organization and, updates on our community. We make every effort to keep announcements brief and related to dancing.

8:45pm (or so)- 11:00pm: Open Dancing with Quick Review

After announcements, around 8:45 pm or so, the evening goes to open dancing. The dances are put on by the evening's programmer and are taken from the request list and programmer's preferences. Our programmers are volunteers from our dance group as well and their programming styles vary as much as they do. Generally, there is a mix of dances from around the world: easy to advanced, couple, line, and other groupings. The music is recorded and played from our computer, but on special occasions live musicians play for us.

You are welcome to request any dance on our dance repertoire list. Copies of the list are at the request board. Most requests will be played but there are no guarantees.

Around 9:30pm, we briefly review the dances taught that evening, dance them, and then return to open dancing until 11:00pm. The last dance is generally an easy line dance that everyone is encouraged to dance.


FREE Beginning Class Every Friday


Tips for New Dancers